Tag Archives: Godly leadership

The Talent of living with Inadequacy.

I don’t have children presently, but am excited for the day we will have some.  I know it will take all of who I am to raise them and then some.  I praise God for a Dad who modeled for me a godly fatherhood.  Seeing him to go to his heavenly Father for help has helped me understand where ability in the face of inadequacy comes from.  I was his first child and I’m sure I made that first huddle more difficult than he expected.

This quote is dedicated to all the fathers out there.  If you are a father, you are a leader.  In this book of leadership I’m going through, I want to share a quote with you concerning inadequacy and leadership.

“What do you do with your weaknesses, failures, and wounds?  Do you hand them over to God in exchange for His grace and strength, or do you wallow in self-pity, allowing the enemy of your soul to immobilize you?…..I have come to firmly believe that inadequacy is always associated with anything that God calls us to do.” – Crawford Loritts, Leadership as an Identity. p. 63-64